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Thursday, 21 August 2014

Orientation Seminar on Measles Rubella Initiative (MRI) in Tanzania

Orientation Seminar on Measles Rubella Initiative (MRI) Held at Red Onion Restaurant,
Dar es Salaam on 17th August, from 08.00am to 4.00pm
 52 Lions, 8 Staff from Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and 11  Media personal.

1.      General
1.1.   The Orientation Seminar was carried out successfully on 17th August 2014 at Red Onion Restaurant. 52 Lions, 8 Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Staff and 11 Media personnel were in attendance.
1.2.   Chief Guest at the Seminar was IVD Programme Director, Dr. Dafrossa Lyimo.
1.3.   The Seminar included Lions from upcountry, namely; Shinyanga, Mwanza, Moshi, Arusha, Tanga and Morogoro.
1.4.   The entire orientation was covered by media so that related information could be conveyed to the masses.
1.5.   The purpose of the orientation was to create awareness amongst Lions, guide them towards serving the future generation of the country, be able to sensitise the concerned so that the turn out during the vaccination is as envisaged.
1.6.   The Orientation informed participants that over 21million children and youth from 9months to just under 15 years of age were to be vaccinated against measles and Rubella.
1.7.   There were 173 Districts in the country which would be adequately covered by over 13,605 temporary and permanent centres.
1.8.   The Ministry was well equipped with health personnel and vaccines and affirmed that together with stakeholders like Lions, Red Cross, UNICEF, WHO, USAID etc., they will be able to share jointly the responsibility of Advocacy, Social Mobilisation and Communication (ACSM) for the Integrated Measles and Rubella Campaign (IMRC).
1.9.   The Seminar confirmed the following action dates:
1.9.1.Stake Holders meeting ( to be confirmed sometimes in August)
1.9.2.MRI Campaign from 1st to 6th of September 2014
1.9.3.National Launch in Dodoma, to be chaired by His Excellency, President J. Kikwete.
1.9.4.Nationwide Vaccination from 24th to 30th September 2014.

2.      Welcome Address
2.1. Programme Coordinator, PCC Lion Abdul Majid Khan welcomed all participants and briefly explained on the MRI Campaign in Tanzania, collaboration with Ministry of Health and other stakeholders. He mentioned on the LCIF and Gavi contribution and the social mobilisation necessary for the success of the campaign.
2.2. “As of today, 13 grants supporting the vaccination of more than 200 million children against measles have been achieved globally. By 2020, more than 700 million children in 49 countries are expected to be immunized against measles and rubella,” he said

3.      Opening Speech
3.1.   Chief Guest Dr Dafrossa Lyimo appreciated the support of Lions and other partners in enabling success of the MR Initiative. She mentioned that Lions have been active in many fronts including sending heart patient to India, eye care and other sectors. With Lions, she mentioned that the campaign will realise a positive support and work well towards reduction of children mortality.
3.2.   Dr Dafrossa also gave detailed explanation on Measles and Rubella, its infection related status in the country and advantages of the lifesaving vaccine. Once this campaign is completed, routine administration will become focus of the MOHSW.
3.3.   At present, she said the plan was to eliminate MR in the country. She described statistically the effect of the debilitating disease and what part of the country showed the strains.
3.4.   “We will work against any negative rumours that arise,” she said.

4.      Programme Objectives and Rationale
4.1.   DR I. Maduhu, The Programme Manager introduced IMRC and mentioned that its objective included an overview of Vaccine Preventable diseases; the concept of Integrated Measles Rubella Campaign; orienting Lions on Norms and procedures in the implementation of IMRC and jointly agree on the way to disseminate communication materials.
4.2.   Dr. Maduhu mentioned that the campaign will be integrated with provision of Polio Vaccination to children under the age of 5 years; supplementation of Vitamin A to children aged between 6 months and under 5 years; and the administration of Mebendazole (for worms) to children aged between 12 months and under 5 years and also administration of Mass Albendazole and Ivemectin to people aged above 5 years (For treatment and prevention of Neglected Tropical Diseases)
4.3.   Dr. Maduhu said that the rationale was to provide vaccination to un-reached and unvaccinated children; fear that pprimary vaccine is only 85% effective when vaccine is given at 9 months; Rubella vaccine is not provided in routine immunization in Tanzania; and elimination of Rubella in the country will enable attainment of MDG4 by 2015.

5.      Lions and Community Services
5.1.   Lion Inderjeet Rehal presented on behalf of FVDG Lion Hyder Gangji on community services that Lions carry out globally. This was a graphical presentation that highlighted on different sectors that Lions work. These are: Health, Education, Water, Poverty eradication, Environment, Quest etc.
5.2.   Lion Inderjeet also mentioned on how the clubs get organised in order that they can provide such services successfully.

6.      Understanding Vaccines and Preventable Diseases
6.1.   Apart from Measles and Rubella, Dr. Frida explained in depth other communicable diseases that require attention by all. These Vaccine preventable diseases are: Tuberculosis; Diphtheria; Pertussis; Maternal and neonatal tetanus; Hepatitis B; Poliomyelitis; Measles; Rubella; Meningitis; Diarrhea; Pneumococcal infection ( pneumonia) and Human Papilloma infection.  She emphasised that vaccination and human behaviour need to be given prime importance so that lives can be sustained.

7.      MOHSW Statement on the Role of Lions in the Measles and Rubella Campaign
7.1.   Ms. Zebina Msumi presented Terms of Reference for Lions in ACSM exercise.
7.2. She said that the Lions will be involved in social mobilization activities, will jointly plan with the selected regions on IMRC activities, will sensitize communities  on IMRC; direct and motivate clients to vaccination service posts, inform villagers/residents about the campaign, dates of planned activity and vaccination post, support and work with vaccinators during the campaign, will disseminate social mobilization materials to clients in village/mtaa/health post/HF and will visit houses before and during the campaign to check children eligible to receive interventions.
7.3.   Lions will be provided with adequate publicity material and their efforts will be complimented by media.
7.4.   All Lions will be identified by specially made apparels and IDs as introductory letters were already rent to RAS.

8.      Lions Plan of Action on IMRC
8.1.   Lion Rizwan Qadri presented the Plan of Action and explained in-depth measles and Rubella Initiative, the support from LCIF and Gavi Alliance, the funding received, and formation of Lions MR team to tackle the objective throughout the country.
8.2.   He also mentioned on the dates of action, what Lions are required to carry out, the advocacy material they will be provided as well as the media work that will be done.
8.3.   Lion Rizwan further advised that the Orientation was meant for leaders and convenors to immediately sensitise the club members and get full commitments. Each club/clubs to identify a common Centre where a joint activity can be done.
8.4.   He also said that clubs were to report back on their activities and also prepare a budget for the ACSM they will carry out. It was stressed that none of the Lions would shoulder liability for the vaccination as the role was limited to ACSM only.

9.      MOHSW Inference
9.1.   Ms. Hellen Semu advised on the pre-campaign activities falling under ACSM and mentioned that well oriented leaders can considerably mobilise masses to participate in the community activities. She further said that communications, PR and advocacy were discussed at preliminary meetings and almost all items related to road shows, holding rally at Mnazi Mmoja grounds, Radio & TV talks, Bill Boards, distributing fliers and conducting House to house sensitization was well advanced.
9.2.   She stressed that we should all understand and convey as follows:
9.2.1.All children between the ages of 9 months and under 15 years should be immunized regardless of their previous immunization status free of charge.
9.2.2.For the campaign to be successful, and for communities to be protected, all eligible children need to be immunized.
9.2.3.Children below the age of 5 years will also receive polio vaccine.
9.2.4.Immunisation is the right of every child!
9.3.   The visits by Lions and partners should be house to house, pre-registration, reporting back and arrest all sorts of rumours that will hinder progress.
9.4.   Ms. Hellen also advised that each vaccination post will have a community mobilizer who will be selected by village leaders to work for 1day before the campaign and 7 days during the campaign. This will assist in ensuring proper and effective campaign.

10.   Closing Address
10.1. Lion Khan appreciated attentiveness of each participant and thanked them for being part of this historic orientation seminar. He mentioned that success of the campaign will only be a result of joint efforts. He further stressed that the information learnt should be imparted to members of every club so that a clear picture related to the campaign results.
10.2. Lion Khan underscored the importance of collaborating with partners and MoHSW in this initiative. He said that the complimenting effort by Lions was necessary as the over 21ml children in the country need our support so that they can effectively be vaccinated.
10.3. Lion Khan also mentioned that the support by LCIF for the MRI has been significant and on the right time when other diseases are surfacing in developing countries.

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